15 de May de 2024 15 de May de 2024Categories MarketingSmart Database: empower your restaurantDiscover how to make the most of your customer information to drive the commercial success of your restaurant, thanks to Zeus Manager.
4 de March de 2024 4 de March de 2024Categories MarketingReservations4 Strategies to Boost Your Bookings during Easter with Zeus ManagerEaster: Strategies to drive your bookings with Zeus Manager and boost your sales.
21 de December de 2023 21 de December de 2023Categories AnalyticsTrends in Hospitality for 2024Discover the trends in hospitality for 2024 and how restaurants are transforming their management with advanced digital technologies.
14 de November de 2023 14 de November de 2023Categories MarketingHow to spend less on apps for your restaurantDiscover how to save and spend less on daily management apps for your restaurant, with an all-in-one software like Zeus Manager.
2 de November de 2023 2 de November de 2023Categories Analytics5 Key indicators to understand the performance of your restaurantDiscover the 5 key indicators to understand the performance of your restaurant: sales, costs, menus, reservations, and customer satisfaction.
9 de August de 2023 9 de August de 2023Categories ReservationsReduce No-Shows in high tourism seasonDiscover how to face the challenge of No-Shows in restaurants with the Zeus Manager Reservations Module.
20 de July de 2023 20 de July de 2023Categories ReservationsHow table turnover increases your revenueMaximize the efficiency and effectiveness of reservations in your restaurant by utilizing table turnover. This practice will result in better time management and an increase in your revenue.